Syngenta fungicides can prevent or cure diseases to mitigate adverse effects on crop yield and overall quality. Herbicide. This reduces cultivation, which can help prevent soil erosion and water loss. Size : SGN150 (50 Lbs) Active Ingredient: Prodiamine -- 0.48% (Barricade) Rate: 1.8 - 7.2 lb per 1,000 sq.ft. Barricade 4fl herbicide special protective equipment and precautions for firefighters. Compare. With a pre-seed application of Command 360 ME herbicide, the only registered Group 13 herbicide in Western Canada, you get up to four weeks of extended control working in your canola and a new mode of action against herbicide resistance. Sign up to learn more about the latest agronomic solutions. OcTTain XL is the standard for kochia (including Group 2 and Group 9 resistant) and wild buckwheat control. Enter your postal code to see information about local products, representatives and retailers, along with special offers in your area. Herbicides. Free Shipping! Plants have shown resistance to herbicides and this is becoming an increasing problem. STAY UP-TO-DATE. And because Barricade M herbicide is powered by Solumax soluble granules, you get easy sprayer cleanout to reduce risk to subsequently sprayed crops like canola, corn or soybeans. … Barricade II herbicide offers excellent application and rotational flexibility. At Adama, our extensive range of herbicides includes a variety of chemical groups that provide growers the ability to manage many weed problems. Quick … Herbicide. Upgrade to OcTTain™ XL herbicide for a new level of broadleaf weed control that is easy to use. We respect your privacy. Add to compare . Barricade ® and Barricade II 1 ... Use non-selective herbicides pre-seed or pre-emergence to control early flushing weeds (prior to crop emergence) and/or weed escapes ; Resistant Weed Management Strategies CROP ROTATION; Rotate crops as often as possible to utilize the unique modes of action available within the crop. Controls your toughest broadleaf weeds without compromising crop safety. Using it as a post-emergent herbicide means that the weed has to absorb the product through the roots. Happy Labeling! PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : BARRICADE SG The reason why this chemical is more fitting in Nepal than other chemicals is because they are used for weed … Barricade and Seeding In the same way that Barricade prevents the germination of weeds, it can also inhibit the germination of turf. 6 oz Prodiamine 65 WDG Herbicide (Generic Barricade) Pre-Emergent (exp Aug 2024) For Best Results Mow first Set spreader and apply product Blow or sweep off paved areas Water in thoroughly Read more. FMC Corporation. 1 Multiple flushing weeds. FMC, the FMC logo, Barricade and Solumax are trademarks of FMC Corporation or an affiliate. This reduces cultivation, which can help prevent soil erosion and water loss. Two modes of action, a wide window of application and outstanding re-cropping flexibility make Barricade II herbicide a sound choice for cereal growers. du pont canada company* elim 25 sg herbicide: registered: 29651: dow agrosciences canada inc.* prepass xc a herbicide (a component of prepass xcherbicide) registered: 29652: dow agrosciences canada inc.* prepass xc b herbicide (a component of prepass xc herbicide) registered: 29752: dow agrosciences canada inc.* … Select a Store; Weekly Flyer; 1-888-985-6937; FAQs; Contact Us; Sign In. Due to its mode … EPA#: 9198-125. High rate of 0.8 L/ac. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 5oz Prodiamine 65 WDG Herbicide (Generic Barricade) Pre-Emergent 2020 STOCK at the best online prices at … Learn more how to use our products and sign to receive more information. If you use it as a pre-emergent herbicide, the weed absorbs the product as it comes out of the soil. It gives you consistent, powerful performance on broadleaf weeds like narrow-leaved hawk’s-beard, cleavers and kochia – all without … Wash thoroughly with soap and water after. : 490817 Dear Ms. Mann: The amended label referred to above, submitted in … Wheat and barley growers in Eastern Canada have a powerful new tool to control tough broadleaf weeds, while managing the threat of herbicide resistance. Resolute 65 WG Herbicide (Generic Barricade) (13) $83.08. Herbicide resistant weeds have historically been selected when herbicides with the same site of action are used repeatedly. Herbicide. Powered by Solumax® soluble granules for effective, consistent weed control and easy sprayer cleanout. OcTTain XL is the standard for kochia (including Group 2 and Group 9 resistant) and wild buckwheat control. Technical information. Barricade 65WG is a preemergence herbicide that, when properly applied, will control certain grass and broadleaf weeds listed on this label in established turfgrasses including: • Golf courses excluding putting greens • Lawns • Sod nurseries The maximum amount of Barricade 65WG that may be applied per year is given for each turfgrass species in the Annual Use Rates – Turfgrasssection of this label. Freestyle delivers broad-spectrum and … Are you looking for information about products and services by region? Barricade II also boasts a wide range of registered and supported grass tank-mix partners. HRAC Group K1; WSSA Group 3. Canada (EN) Mexico (ES) South America (ES) United States (EN) Asia/Oceania & Africa; Australia/New Zealand (EN ... Gemini ® 3.7SC is a liquid, pre-emergent herbicide featuring a selective combination of two active ingredients: Prodiamine and Isoxaben. This is an anticholinesterase compound. Surfactant: Add a registered non-ionic surfactant (NIS) at 2 L per 1000 L of spray solution (0.2% v/v). Herbicide. FMC Privacy Policy. Do not spray on plants in flower while bees are foraging. Do not contaminate ponds, waterways or drains with Barricade ‘S’ or used containers. 24407 DIRECTIONS FOR USE ON SOYBEANS Apply only when the potential for drift to areas of human habitation or areas of human activity (houses, cottages, schools and recreational areas) is minimal. Weed Populations Confirmed Resistant to Herbicide Groups in Ontario Counties, for a listing of herbicide resistant weeds in Ontario by WSSA group and corresponding site of action. This product can be used in both the spring and fall so that you are able control unsightly weeds all year long. There are many different types of Barricade herbicide but the one that will be focused on in this paper is Barricade ll. DuPont Canada’s crop protection wing on Tuesday confirmed a label expansion for Barricade — a combination of two Group 2 soluble granular herbicides (thifensulfuron-methyl and tribenuron-methyl) with fluroxypyr, a Group 4 product — to cover … GUARANTEE: Imazethapyr 70% REGISTRATION NO. Andersons 0.48% Barricade Pre-Emergent Weed Control Herbicide for Lawns and Landscape Ornamentals on DG Pro prevents unwanted annual grassy and broadleaf weeds, including crabgrass, poa annua, goosegrass, and henbit. Two active ingredients (Group 5 and 14) work together to provide strong residual control and sound resistance management. 130000139548 1 / 13 This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of Canada and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. Reference this list for a more complete chart. Barricade and Seeding In the same way that Barricade prevents the germination of weeds, it can also inhibit the germination of turf. Everest is a trademark of Arysta LifeScience. Compare. Water Volume: Ground application – 5 gal/ac (50L/ha). Tenacity Turf Herbicide. Most importantly, crop safety isn’t compromised. It’s not too late to get your Christmas gifts! BARRICADE SG is a 50% active ingredient herbicide formulated as a water soluble granule. Herbicides. Fungicides. Take into consideration wind speed, wind direction, temperature inversion, application equipment and … Do not use an additional surfactant unless otherwise indicated on the label. A professional selective pre-emergent herbicide for cool and warm-season grasses on golf courses, sod farms and commercial ornamental plants. It is labeled to help prevent over 30 grass and broadleaf weeds in established turfgrasses, lawns, landscapes, and ornamental beds. Surfactant: Add a registered non-ionic surfactant (NIS) at 2 L per 1000 L of spray solution (0.2% v/v). Bifecta delivers exceptional broad-spectrum control of the toughest resistant weeds in herbicide-tolerant soybeans in Canada. 2 Suppression in field peas and Clearfield lentils. Call your branch for substitute:1-800-748-3663. Barricade granular herbicide label. Refer to Table 4-6. Barricade® II herbicide is tough on weeds, but gentle on your cereal crops. (78 - 313 lbs per acre); one or two application per year. © 2020 FMC Corporation. ARMORY® 240 Learn More. Herbicides selective: Canada, United States: A powerful pre-emergence or early post-emergence herbicide that controls over 70 broadleaf weeds and grasses in corn. Worker Protection Standards: REI: 12 hours: PPE: coveralls, chemical resistant gloves, shoes plus socks: Manufacturer: Syngenta (and others) EPA Reg. HRAC/FRAC/IRAC Classification: Group K1 Herbicide. Barricade 4FL herbicide controls susceptible weeds by preventing growth and development of newly germinated weeds. SECTION 1. With four active ingredients from two different herbicide Groups (2 and 4), Barricade M herbicide takes on the toughest broadleafs you face and helps manage weed resistance. Barricade II herbicide controls more than 20 tough broadleaf weeds in spring wheat, durum, barley and oats*, with three active ingredients from two herbicide groups for a sound, long-term resistance management strategy. If conditions are extremely dry, … 2 Group Use the companies in the quick links at the top of the page to purchase these herbicides. However, with the … : A-to-Z Markt Forschung. A wide window of application and outstanding re-cropping flexibility make Barricade M herbicide a sound choice for wheat, barley and oat growers. Plus, an outstanding list of re-cropping options the year after application. FMC, the FMC logo, Barricade and Solumax are trademarks of FMC Corporation or an affiliate. Not only performance and value, OcTTain XL is also extremely crop safe in barley, wheat and durum. Group MSDS (Syngenta, 2004) MSDS (Novartis, 2000) Label (Syngenta) Label (Supp.) Syngenta herbicides can prevent or eliminate weeds to either replace or reduce manual or mechanical weed removal. 64603 - 02/20. This 50 lbs bag covers up to 27,777 sq.ft. "Barricade® M delivers consistently … du pont canada company* barricade sg: registered: 29641: e.i. CONQUEST B Herbicide Tank Mix: BASF Canada Inc. Contains four active ingredients from two groups (2 and 4). An agricultural sciences company. du pont canada company* barricade sg: registered: 29641: e.i. No. e.i. APIRO® Herbicides selective: Japan, South Korea: A herbicide for consistent control of annual grasses in paddy rice, with the flexibility to apply … DuPont Crop Protection announced today that new DuPont™ Barricade® M herbicide has been registered for control of a wide range of broadleaf weeds in winter wheat, spring wheat and barley. Skip to content; Welcome to Lowe's. Curtail™ M is a proven in-crop herbicide with control of Canada thistle in cereals, flax and canary seed. When tank-mixing with a grass herbicide, use the surfactant provided with that product. Enter your postal code to see information about local products, representatives and retailers, along with special offers in your area. Barricade M herbicide provides excellent control of hard-to-kill weeds including perennial sow thistle, wild buckwheat, lamb’s-quarters, pigweeds, dandelion and Canada thistle* by working systemically to control the entire weed. Prodiamine 65 WDG Herbicide (Generic Syngenta Barricade) This is a listing for 5 oz of Quali-Pro Prodiamine 65 WDG Herbicide. Jack Daniels Blue Label Price January 29th 2018 | Free Labels … Remember, Barricade must receive irrigation or light rainfall of at least .05 inches for the herbicide prevention to activate. GUARANTEE: Imazethapyr 70% REGISTRATION NO. Flexibility to plant most crops the year after application. Shop BARRICADE | Lowe's Canada. Steven McDonald, M.S. Prodiamine is the active ingredient found in the popular herbicide Barricade and other lawn and garden products, such as Prodiamine 65 WDG (Generic Barricade). An agricultural sciences company. Dan Loughner, M.S. Prodiamine, the active ingredient in this pre-emergent herbicide, is proven to eliminate undesirable weeds without harming beneficial plants. ... Glyphosate-resistant weeds are a reality in Eastern Canada. Barricade ll is produced/distributed in Mississauga Ontario at E.I. Remember, Barricade must receive irrigation or light rainfall of at least .05 inches for the herbicide prevention to activate. Take into consideration wind speed, wind direction, temperature inversion, application equipment and … Barricade II herbicide is powered by Solumax® soluble granules for effective and consistent weed control. There are many different types of Barricade herbicide but the one that will be focused on in this paper is Barricade ll. Puma and Varro are trademarks of Bayer CropScience. Syngenta (Canada) --- Label : Prodiamine : 29091-21-2 ... Syngenta: MSDS (2005) MSDS (2004) MSDS (2002) Label: Prodiamine: 29091-21-2: Barricade 65WG Herbicide: Syngenta. Barricade must be incorporated with 1 ... Root tips exposed to the herbicide will swell producing “club-like” roots. Barricade must be incorporated with 1 ... Root tips exposed to the herbicide will swell producing “club-like” roots. This product delivers effective control against the following: Rates and Packaging: One (1) case treats 40 acres. Herbicide Who’s the boss? TIME FERTILIZATION; Time and place fertilizer to benefit your crop, not weeds. Herbicides. Can be aerial applicated. 3 Suppression in field peas, soybeans and Clearfield lentils. Learn more how to use our products and sign to receive more information. Member of CropLife Canada. BARRICADE Pre Emergence is the first herbicide to make our list that you can use on seedlings. Handle and use with extreme care. Make your work easier by using a label. Barricade M herbicide provides excellent control of hard-to-kill weeds including perennial sow thistle, wild buckwheat, lamb’s-quarters, pigweeds, dandelion and Canada thistle* by working systemically to control the entire weed. ARROW® 240 EC Learn More. Raise the bar even higher on broadleaf weed control with Barricade M herbicide. dow agrosciences canada inc.* starane ii herbicide: registered: 29491: loveland products, inc.* liberate adjuvant: registered: 29544: e.i. Labels Available, Label - Barricade M - English (Barricade SG Label), Label - Barricade M - French (Barricade SG Label), Label - Barricade M - English (MCPA Ester 600 Label), Label - Barricade M - French (MCPA Ester 600 Label), Label - Barricade M - English (Perimeter II Label), Label - Barricade M - French (Perimeter II Label), Allison Hayward, field development representative. Worker Protection Standards: REI: 12 hours: PPE: coveralls, chemical resistant gloves, shoes plus socks: Manufacturer: Syngenta (and others) EPA Reg. This product delivers effective control against the following: Application Information: The window of application for Barricade M herbicide is from the 3-leaf stage to just before flag leaf. : 69526-15 Application Date: April 30, 2014 Decision No. A dual-action herbicide launched last year for use against broadleaf weeds in Prairie wheat and barley crops can go up against a couple of extra weeds this year. Barricade ll is a herbicide that is produced by DuPont (Raise the Bar, 2016). FMC Corporation. Novartis. Corporation or an affiliate it ’ s a granular pre-emergent designed to selectively control crabgrass, broadleaf weeds other! Has to absorb the product through the skin best and most cost effective weed... Most crops the year after application weed biotypes that have multiple resistance to herbicides this. 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