per acre). Start typing your question and we'll check if it was already asked and answered. two ounces per gallon of water, some people told me if you have a lot of rain try adding one ounce of diesel oil. Yes, Triclopyr will work on Brazilian Pepper Trees, For spot applications of triclopyr with a hand pump sprayer mix 3.2oz of Triclopyr per gallon of adjuvant. My husband has killed many trees, but not pine trees, this way: I mix triclopyr 1 to 10 with diesel fuel, as the label directs, in a sprayer. Triclopyr 4 Brush Killer is safe to use around children, pets, and livestock when applied according to the product label. A Remedy Ultra Herbicide and most herbicides will become fully rain fast within 24 hours after application. of MSMA Target 6 Plus in the tank to get the broomsedge. If you find triclopyr effective on pines, I'd really like to know. Apply Triclopyr 4 Brush Killer during calm days, when rain is not in the immediate forecast. Love this product, finally something that really works! But you may want another application of triclopyr before reseeding. We raked in the fall, and in the spring, it was EVERYWHERE! Will be using it for some basil barking and also during the winter mixed with diesel fuel. of product per gallon of water. Works like a charm. I typically use a 5 parts diesel to 1 part triclopyr. How long after its application can I reseed with fescue? Dried quickly. But if you have a lot of trees and small bushes, painting a lot of small stumps of bushes may be impractical. 5 Long … According to the Hi-Yield Triclopyr Ester product label, it is a herbicide used to control unwanted annual and perennial broadleaf weeds on perennial bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and tall fescue ornamental turf (including sod farms, commercial turf, and golf courses). I found 10% solution wasn't enough for the plants I am dealing with. It is a less expensive version of Triclopyr-4 with a high concentration of Triclopyr. 42 of 49 people found this answer helpful. It is formulated with the active ingredient Triclopyr and is ideal for clearing woody plants, brush, and broadleaf weeds. If you will be applying a foliage spray during warm weather when weeds are actively growing, use 1 Tbsp. Great stuff. Most broad leaf plants that this touches get sick or die off completely. Kept all away from sprayed area until sure it had dried, I don't know… I did not have to consider animal safety. It will spread if you mow it without stopping growth. Triclopyr 4 will kill wild violets. I used a mixture of 20% Triclopyr and 80% Diesel to kill privet. Does what it is supposed to. Always wear the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) when mixing and when making applications with Triclopyr 4 Brush Killer. Do not enter treated areas until the product has completely dried. Triclopyr is used to control broadleaf weeds … If so, I think it might still be more cost efficient to try Round up in a sprayer at double, triple or even quadruple the normal rate. ...Target's are fading. I always ask my brother who is a retired county agent in Virginia. Classic Do not apply if rain is expected within one hour, … (Especially 'Smooth Sumac). The customer is then responsible for the product thereafter. It never looks like anything is happening, but in the spring, the larger trees are all dead. If I remove a tree do I put garlon4 in the cambeam layer to kill the tree? This is a foliage spray, so you need to spray the leaves (and the trunk). Poison ivy is extremely resilient, and can often recover from herbicides that contain glyphosate (often commercially offered as Roundup®). we put up warning flags if near a trail. I also have a lot of black locust trees and triclopyr completely kills the tree in 2 week so I can cut it down at a later time. Triclopyr has a low vapor pressure, meaning it is not likely to release fumes into the environment. It is oil based, and used for basal bark application, in other words, placed directly on the trees trunk, it absorbs and kills the tree. If they are an inch or 2 in diameter - mix 1 part to 3 parts diesel and spray the trunks. It can be used to eliminate various types of trees, perennial bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and tall fescue ornamental turf, such as sod farms, commercial turf property, and golf courses. So far it's killin the hell outta just about everything. A surfactant was used. Dish soap could interfere with the chemical process and prevent herbicides from doing their job. Not sure how it would work on yoir things, Yes, I have always mixed it with diesel. Triclopyr 4 will eliminate the following woody plants: Alder, Arrowwood, Ash, Aspen, Bear Clover, Beech, Birch, Black gum, Black Medic, Blackberry, Blackbrush, Boxelder, Brazilian Pepper, Buckthorn, Bull Thistle, Burdock, Canada Thistle, Cascara, Ceanothus, Cherry, Chicory, Chinquapin, Choke Cherry, Cinquefoil, Clover, Cottonwood, Crataegus, Creeping Beggarweed, Curly dock, Dandelion, Dogfennel, Dogwood, Douglas fir, Eastern Persimmon, Elderberry, Elm, Field Bindweed, Gallberry, Goldenrod, Granjeno, Ground Ivy, Guajillo, Guava Tulip Poplar, Hawthorn, Hazel, Hickory, Hornbeam, Huisache (suppression), Kudzu, Lambsquarters, Lespedeza, Locust, Madrone, Maples, Matchweed, Milkweed Vine, Mulberry, Mustard, Oaks, Osage Orange, Oxalis, Pepper Vine, Persimmon, Pine, Plantain, Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Poplar, Purple Loosestrife, Ragweed, Salmonberry, Salt Cedar, Saltbush, Sassafras, Scotch Broom, Sericea Lespedeza, Smartweed, Sulfur Cinquefoil, Sumac, Sweet Clover, Sweet Gum, Sweetbay Magnolia, Sycamore, Tan Oak Gorse, Thimbleberry, Tree-of-Heaven, Tropical Soda Apple, Trumpet Creeper, Twisted Acacia, Vetch, Virginia Creeper, Wax Myrtle, Wild Carrot, Wild Lettuce, Wild Rose, Wild Violet, Willow, Winged elm, Yarrow, Gloves, Pump Sprayer, Respirator Mask, Spray Rig, Basal Treatment, Broadcast Spray, Spot Treatment. You'll want to spray the leaves and trunk. If you saturate the bark of a tree with chemical, there is a good chance of killing the tree. The other 25% seemed to think that the Triclopyr was fertilizer. Hi-Yield Turflon Ester Ultra is labeled to eradicate wild violets. Don't know about specifics for Tennessee. When trees or broadleaf weeds are obstructing the view of roads, slowing down a construction project, or crowding a residential area, applying Triclopyr 4 Brush Killer can be a useful solution. The stuff covers near every inch of the ground (maybe 4000-5000 sq feet). Sign up for our newsletter today! See label for complete application instructions. It worked!!! Hitting larger trunks with a wedge blow from boys axe and spraying into the cut. Used on Canada thistle, horsetail and mulberry burned back waiting to see if need to respray or a one time application. My question is "how long before a rain will this product be effective?". Will triclopyr 4 work on Brazilian Pepper Trees? But, a conifer will not regrow once you cut it down, so really no need to treat at all. The product is generally dry 2-3 hours after application. If your question is about more than one item, click + to add them. Mineral spirits turns out to me more expensive than triclopyr 4 per gallon, would recommend using diesel instead. Our neighbor (who is anal/obsessive about his yard) complimented us on ours which is HUGE. This doesn't answer my question. Yes, you can still use the Triclopyr to control some of the vegetation, and stop the sprouting. The label also states Hi-Yield Triclopyr … Basal treatment of trees at a 75% diesel to 25% triclopyr works as well if not better than the name brand stuff but for significantly less $!! This method has killed every tree he has sprayed. Do not reseed for 3 weeks after application. Be aware that it will kill anything and everything it touches when spraying. Good Luck! Yes. • On use sites other than grazable areas and forestry sites, do not apply more than 8 lbs . 14 of 15 people found this answer helpful. Sprayed the triclopyr and surfacant on it over the course of several months and the ivy is dying off. I use it on Buckthorn and have about a 99% kill ration with basal bark spraying. My only complaint is that I still am not sure how much to mix in a 3 gallon sprayer so that I'm not wasting chemical as the paper work attached is not very clear. of 2-4,D but probably unnecessary. This product works, plus dependable service. Use Triclopyr, but be prepared to go back and do it several times, which may have been due to my improperly weak mix , reflecting the only problem I have with Triclopyr as sold by Solutions: Damnably hard to figure what the correct mix is for spot spraying. Triclopyr 4 is highly concentrated so it must be measured well before application. ingredient triclopyr. It is in essence nearly impossible to get rid of and YES!!!!!! I have been using this for several years. What do you recommend? I add 24ounces to a gallon of diesel and apply to fresh cut stumps or basal bark treatment on smaller diameter stems. They should NOT be present during the application of Hi-Yield Triclopyr Ester Ultra. Free Shipping. It's the only thing that completely wiped it out. Will this kill the tree?? I mix 13oz. I really didn't expect much but it seems to have killed it. While it is often recommended to apply granular pre-emergence herbicide before a rain, there is a danger in doing so. For larger brush, mix 6.4oz of Triclopyr per gallon of water since they are more difficult to kill. If a different concentration is desired, use the following … Roundup just bounces off those shiny leaves. I am handspraying Scotch Broom and this is the only thing that I have found that will work with one application, whether new or established plants. Spraying trunks up to 4". So far, so good. Cut the tree down and treat the stump. Don't broadcast spray it unless you want to replant your yard. However I have other chemicals in the mix. I also added a blue colorant so I could see where I'd already been kudzu fighting. In other words, 102 oz. The wisteria is growing everywhere along our back property line. Used on honey locust. If so what is the best way to apply? The directions tell you to paint it on the freshly cut stump immediately after cutting it down. It was tedious, but the privet hasn't grown back in the 3 years since I applied it. And kill it does. Triclopyr 4 Brush Killer can be mixed with various other chemicals such as surfactants like Alligare 90 that increase the effectiveness of the product. That is easy to come back and spray with Crossbow or Clopyralid 3. For smaller jobs, you can use a hand-held pump sprayer or backpack sprayer. Hi-Yield Triclopyr Ester is labeled for ground ivy, also known as Creeping Charlie. i am baffled. I've only used it on buckthorn and prickly ash but it should work for mulberry. We then use this as a spray on the trunk base or onthe cut ends of stumps. Your one gallon mix should be 80% Diesel and 20% Triclopyr 4 herbicide. I use 50/50 mixture with bark oil on stumps. I found Triclopyr effective, but with wild violets, you inevitably will need a second application. In our area we mix one part trychlopyr to four parts horticultural oil (it has a red dye added so you know what youve treated). When Triclopyr 4 Brush Killer is mixed with water, it creates an emulsion that will require constant agitation. This did kill the Charlie and clover (as well as some of my prize perennials) but it is gone. Works fantastic! For nasal bark treatment 20 to 25 percent is effective which is 1 quart Triclopyr to 3 to 4 quarts carrier. Not sure, I haven't seen the effects of spraying about a month ago. and you helped confirm that. Un sure but I'd very effective on most brush and saplings. Will this work on stinging nettles? The front lawn had close to a complete kill of clover and dandelions; with out 60% of the ivy was clearly effected. Tryclopyr per gal of water. Worse, it may get into waterways and prevent neighbor plants or wild plants from germinating. Get all the latest information on Solutions products,deals, and events. Basagran Minimum of eight hours between application and rainfall. The best place to get advice on such things is your local Cooperative Extension Service. But the stuff really works. 53 of 56 people found this answer helpful. Works great to get rid of oriental bittersweet and English ivy. Take care in using it this way. I have no experience with Mulberry specifically, however, collateral damage to non-target trees during my use was extensive when I was not careful with overspray. I believe the instructions say to use it with in hours of cutting. 32 of 36 people found this answer helpful. It arrived a few days later and within 4 days of spraying it I could see it was getting the job done. I could not be happier. How long do I need to wait after using Triclopyr before re-planting? Can spray stump immediately after cutting. I use diesel fuel for the carrier. Hi-Yield Triclopyr Ester can withstand rain 1 hour after application. One good application of Triclopyr took care of it (although, some of my perennials took a hit). Since you have already cut the tree you probably have a bunch of sucker shoots. It will prevent any shoots from sprouting and eventually (several years) the stump becomes brittle and simply breaks down. It kills trees in my hand. All other weeds are killed with the commercial Yard treatment we pay yearly. Spray all kinds of sh!t on the farm. I have not seen any major tree damage from overspray...only minor leaf damage. I can see the ground floor now. 4. I used 4:1 diesel fuel to Garlon. Glyphosate is recommended as an. Hi-Yield Triclopyr Ester Ultra is applied at 3/8 - 3/4 oz. Spraying everything did a good job for the first time. Note: This product is known to be shipped from the vendor with defective seals. So I had no way to check if it was dry or not. It is recommended to add a non-ionic surfactant for best results but is not required per label instructions. I recommend this for any invasive, intrusive, unwanted trees, brush, plants. I used Triclopyr mixed with store brand vegetable oil to make it stick. You will likely have to do multiple applications to gain full control of the Bermuda grass. It took all summer, but our lawn is back! SHOWS THE EFFICANCY OF THE COMPANY, ALSO HOW IT LOOKS AFTER ITS CUSTOMERS, NO MATTER WHERE THEY ARE BASED. It is also great to use before building projects begin or when phone lines, power lines or roadways are blocked. Can be used as a brush killer or as pasture spray. • Do not apply more than 2 qts . I'm hearing through your messages that you suggest mixing it with oil instead of water. Each state has a land grant college where the School of Agriculture manages a cadre of state Cooperative Extension Agents that are located in each county across each state. First time user of this diesel soluble product. Less than 10% of the ivy was killed. Alternatively, you can mix Triclopyr with oil instead of water. Triclopyr 7k.2 Weed Control Methods Handbook, The Nature Conservancy, Tu et al. Appears to be good stuff. Per the product label, the application rate is 3/4 fl. yes, let it dry thoroughly before any contact. Clearing Brushy Areas, Overgrown Flower Beds Around Old House. Triclopyr 4 Brush Killer is a post-emergent herbicide used to control thick vegetation in various areas. 2 parts diesel. Triclopyr kills everything, so be careful with overspray. I had a few big California fan palms, and while trying to decide if keep them or not , a lot more that were not invited started to grow into my front and back yard, it was pretty difficult to get rid of them. Working Days/Hours:Mon - Fri / 8:00AM - 6:00PMSat / 9:00AM - 5:00PM, Address:2739 Pasadena Blvd, Pasadena, TX 77502. Triclopyr 4 works systemically, absorbing through the leaves and roots of the plants and interfering with their growth. The following table describes how long a spray treatment requires until it is “rainfast”, the time required between application and rain for the product to perform effectively. 25 of 25 people found this answer helpful. Triclopyr 4 Brush Killer is manufactured by Alligare and is a systemic selective herbicide used to eliminate trees, brush and woody plants from various types of landscapes. Adjusted mixture to density of weeds (i.e. Uses. The brush killer (violet killer) does kill the weeds but only partially killed the violets. Does the job- the result adds to the aesthetics and value of my property. to 3/4 (0.75) fluid ounces of Alligare Triclopyr 4 per 1000 square feet in 1 to 2 gallons of water. Short answer, I don't know/haven't tried. Typically, the best time to spray is 45-90 days … Triclopyr does not show evidence of birth defects, reproductive toxicity or genetic mutations in mammals tested. I found the best way to kill the trees on my property is to drill a 1/2" hole and fill it with the garlon 4, works every time. You should be fine. Good luck! I mixed it with diesel fuel. I have a back pack sprayer I wear with the weed eater. (2.25-4.5 teaspoons) per gallon of water per 1,000 sq. It will most definitely be replanted some time late fall or winter depending on weather. Ortho Weed B Gon Chickweed, Clover & Oxalis Killer is specially formulated for controlling tough weeds like chickweed, clover, ground ivy (Creeping Charlie) and wild violet. The product label Hi-Yield Turflon Ester Ultra does not recommended using a surfactant so it would not be needed. I would call your local extension office for the very best info. 182 of 194 people found this answer helpful. The poison travels through the root system and will kill the roots of any other plant that has roots entangled in what you are wanting to kill. 40 of 40 people found this answer helpful. works great. If storms blow down trees on the dam, large breaches could form, and we could lose the pond. I cut them down and sprayed the stumps liberally. Browse 152 questions Works on BAMBOO! ", See More I used anywhere between 1/3 to 1/2 oz of Triclopyr per gallon of water, fall is the best time of year to apply. Active Ingredients Crossbow herbicide is a blend of 34 percent 2,4-D, 16 percent triclopyr … What should the ratio be? How long does it take for the Triclopyr to dry? No idea for your application, I use it on honey locust at 3 oz/gal, I use this on buckthorn. Applications can be done every 3-4 weeks. Don’t know, but works very well on all other weeds, Not familiar with blackberry, works on cherry. We have a large pond. I applied the product but don't know how long it is supposed to take to work. If the PI rebounds, I'm considering Agent Orange and/or Thermo-nuclear eradication. Was this answer helpful to you? It can take about two weeks for Hi-Yield Triclopyr Ester to start to show burn down. Testimonials, Protect your home from the most common perimeter pests, Customized program based on your location and home size, Take the guesswork out of preventing weeds and disease in your lawn, Customized to your location, grass type, and lawn size. I use between 3 & 6 oz/gal with backpack sprayer. Fast shipping. I'm fighting 10 acre autumn olive jungle. after drying there is no hazard to the public. You will mix 3/8 - 3/4 oz. Violets can be killed selectively with Trimec (a combination of 2,4-D, MCPP and dicamba) or triclopyr (Turflon). No literature I've read said whether or not it is choice for pines. Safety Information. A second spray in the spring will hopefully have more of an impact than just drooping the violet leaves. Never had a problem with suckers after that. It took over our front yard over the winter, so much so that spring grasses were crowded out. This stuff killed everything with a single treatment. It is reported to have low human toxicity and would seem to be generally safe to the public when dry as to skin exposure. I want to kill a large conifer. 20 of 20 people found this answer helpful. A common question we get during such conditions is “how long does my fungicide need to be on before the rain arrives?”. I have used hundreds of gallons of Triclopyr over the past many years keeping my pastures clear of unwanted weeds, briers, and brush. Whatever you do, DO NOT mow it until you have applied a chemical to prevent spread. ;-). I mixed mine with diesel fuel at 2:1. To improve suppres- sion and control of Bermudagrass, To improve suppression and control of Bermudagrass, tank mix 1 quart of HI-YIELD® Turflon® Ester Ultra per acre with a postemergence grass herbicide registered for this use pattern. Per the Hi Yield Turflon Ester Product Label: Apply HI-YIELD® Turflon® Ester Ultra at a rate of 1 quart per acre. Hi-Yield Triclopyr Ester Ultra is best applied in temperatures below 90 to prevent burning of the turfgrass and better effectiveness against the targeted weeds. It is clearly superior to the 2,4D products and Trimec. Never tried it alone. A ag specialist from local University helped our church with Buck Thorn infestation in Churches woodlot. Depending on the application, I will mix 25% Triclopyr to the mineral spirits, even up to 50%. I will keep spraying triclopyr on it until the new shoots stop coming up. I'm not sure exactly. Triclopyr 4 Brush Killer can be used in forests, on permanent grass pastures, rangelands, conservation reserve programs, manufacturing or storage sites, along paths of power lines, telephone lines, pipelines, railroads roadsides, and fence lines. ( violet Killer ) does kill the Charlie and clover ( as well some. Although, some of the weeds as it has done a good job for product! It as the amount of Triclopyr that the Triclopyr to deal with forestry sites, not! On all other weeds are actively growing teaspoons per gallon of diesel and apply fresh! Farm/Ranch with pesticides, and how to apply when grass/weeds are soaked sprayed some foliage and it is very.. The almost unkillable buckthorn and prickly ash but it is safest to water the... The fall, and broadleaf weeds and would seem to be working 'd already kudzu... And answers the phone when you call complete kill of clover and dandelions with! 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